Your Members Want to Improve

The majority of club members want to get better. Even in social matches, people are naturally competitive. So how does this relate to member retention? It’s an easy question to answer – members expect part of the value you are bringing is a way to provide them the resources to improve their game. Whether that is the ability to book a private lesson, hit on a ball machine, or register for an adult clinic – members expect to be able to improve their game in some capacity. The frustration comes in when accessing these resources are time consuming and difficult.
So how can you make accessibility to their resources easier? Think about your current process…
- Can a member view a teaching pro’s availability and quickly sign up for a private lesson or do they have to “call” in and set that up?
- What if a member just wants to hit on a ball machine for 30 minutes? Do they have to drive to the club and hope it’s not being used by someone else?
- What if they want to hit with other members and realize they missed out on a great drill clinic?
All of these are questions you should be asking and are directly correlated with member satisfaction.
Allowing your members the ability to quickly see the teaching pro’s schedule and even sign up for a private lesson will keep your pros busy and you a happy club owner! If a member can check the availability and book the ball machine for a quick hitting session after work it will allow them to get better on their time, not yours! When members start improving their game, their desire to be at your club becomes greater. Isn’t that what it is all about? More members at your club not only increases their perceived value of their membership, but provides you the ability to market and sell to them even more.