Time is a Precious Commodity

In today’s fast paced world, time is a precious commodity. One of the quickest ways to frustrate your members is to make them feel that you are costing them time. If a member is paying top dollar to be part of your club, they are paying for court time, access to events, social connection, and the ability to bring others to participate at their club. Nothing frustrates and embarrasses a club member more than inviting a guest to join them and upon arrival realizing there are no courts to play on. Let that happen more than once and you could quickly see a drop in your retention rates.
So how do you curve this problem? Easy – you automate your club! You use online court reservation software to give your members a way to solve these internal problems and frustrations. If a member can login and see the availability and book a court in advance, it reduces anxiety and gives them the freedom of knowing they can invite guests and set up friendly matches on their time, not yours. When you do this, members are happier, anxiety goes down, and they begin to tell others how they enjoy being a member! Bottom line, when members are happy, they don’t walk away.
Want to save time for both you and your members. Try CourtReserve today!