Maximizing your Tennis Clinic Participation

Are you struggling with registration and sign ups for socials, clinics, and other events? It comes down to one word – Awareness. 90% of all club owners promote their events in two ways, a weekly or monthly newsletter, or a printed flyer on a cork board. Since most newsletters arrive in a member’s email inbox with other junk mail they rarely get seen – they often go unread. The corkboard in the club lobby is usually littered with out of date event information.
Get rid of this!
Then try this!
Bottom line: make advertising your clinics and events easy. In fact, by simply managing all of your club events with online software, you will see there is really no extra work you have to do in order to provide this information to your members. When you get your events online – members have immediate access to:
- View different events happening at the club
- Quickly register for events and private lessons
- Reduce anxiety to register their kids in camps and junior clinics
- No more downloading of signup forms
- Ability to quickly filter events that of are interest
- Download an events calendar to their mobile device that automatically syncs when new events are added
- Sign up for alerts and notifications for new events
Looking to streamline your pain points using software? Try CourtReserve today!