5 Key Tips for Member Retention at Your Club

Are you worried about member retention at your tennis club?
When you’re one of the leaders of a tennis club, you always want to promote exclusivity and let potential members know all of the perks of being on the inside. Getting members to join is hard, but getting members to stick around can be even harder.
In this post, we’re going to talk about 5 effective strategies for member retention at your tennis club. Going out of your way to show your customers that you care about them and their business sounds easy, but you need to bring specific things to the table. Let’s get started.
5 Key Tips for Member Retention at Your Club
Getting new members at your tennis club probably means that you’re doing something right in the marketing department. You don’t want to make a bunch of empty promises, though. Give them what they’re paying for so that they’re happy, but retain them by going above and beyond.
1. Engage With Them Right Away
As soon as you get a new member, you can start on your membership retention strategy. Engage with your new members immediately. If they feel welcome and comfortable at your club, then they’ll keep coming back.
Keep in constant contact with them via social media and with email updates. If they feel in the loop with current happenings at the club, they’ll be more motivated to stick around.
2. Take Their Suggestions
Keep your office door open. When people feel like their voices are heard, then they’ll feel like they’re important within the grand scheme of the group. Take people’s suggestions seriously and hold members’ meetings frequently so that everyone can collaborate to make the club as good as it can possibly be.
As the person running the tennis club, you need to hear out your members on all matters. If they’re paying to be in the club, then they deserve to have their opinions heard.
3. Give Them Good Resources
Use the membership money to invest in the club. Your members will find a better tennis club if you can’t give them what they need. Keep the courts clean, the nets intact, and a healthy supply of equipment available in your pro shop.
Not only will this allow you to make extra money from sales, but your members will know that you’ve got everything covered when they show up to play.
4. Crunch Your Numbers
After a while, you’ll know who your dedicated members are. They’ll show up regularly, engage heavily in meetings and offer suggestions. The ones that are more likely to leave are the ones you don’t see or hear from.
Try to always keep track of who’s coming by and when, who’s sending you emails, and who comes to see you about concerns, and then those that are in your system but don’t do those things.
Send those people special offers like free training sessions and discounted swag. Your best way to get them to stick around is by making it easy for them to come by and play.
5. Perks, Perks, Perks
You shouldn’t leave out your engaged members, however. Give all of your member’s special perks whenever possible. This’ll make them feel appreciated and more likely to stick around for a long time.
You have to strike a balance between appealing to the members that are half out the door and rewarding the ones that have been with you for a long time. The perks themselves could be anything from a free month of membership to a discount in the pro shop. That part is up to you, depending on what you can afford.
Keep Spirits High
Keep spirits high in your tennis club and member retention will never be an issue. At the end of the day, all these people want is a nice place to come and play tennis with some friends. If you can provide that, then you’ll be able to keep them for a long time.
For help managing your club, try out Court Reserve. Our service can help you manage court times, events, and members. While you’re there, check out our blog for more posts about running your tennis club.