Full Member Management
We make it easy to manage your full player list. Easy view your Member List complete with name, emails, membership type, and even custom fields that you define.

Get instant access to all your player data.
Get automated with CourtReserve today. Remember, we make it easy.

Booking Rules & Restrictions
CourtReserve gives you tons of flexibility as it relates to setting up days in advance players can book courts, all setup at the membership tier level for ultimate flexibility.
Other options such as a time to open up Reservations and Booking Buffer gives your members even more benefit to the online booking system.
Control Courts Restrictions
CourtReserve gives you full control over how many courts a member or a family can book on any given day or week.
Not only can you control courts by day or week, we also give you the ability to limit by time or total reservation counts.

Tabbed Interface for Quick Access
Get all the data you need for any member including membership info, all current and past reservation details, event registrations, family details and billing info.

Membership Payments
Need to track membership fees? No problem, CourtReserve allows easy setup of your standard fees and will handle the recurring charge and will even send notifications of upcoming billing dates and will auto-suspend any memberships that are not settled.
Family Memberships
In addition to tracking individual membership tiers, CourtReserve also give you the ability to track members at the Family level.
This allows you to group families together under the same account also allowing you to tie your booking restrictions and costs to the family instead of the individual member.

Setup Costs and Fees
Easy setup of all your costs across all your court type. CourtReserve supports both Hourly and Fixed based pricing. Also control minimal reservation time for any court. Cost structures are all configured at each membership tier level for maximum flexibility across your organization.
Also setup "prime time" and "discounted" rate windows that will auto-adjust cost based on booking times.